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Who We Are

System Studios is a company of enthusiasts, genuinely passionate about why we do what we do, who we do it with and how we do it.   Our team comes from all backgrounds, culturally and professionally, and we aspire to cultivate and maintain a working environment built on our diversity. In our studio, we believe that a great team is better than a team of greats. We always emphasize the importance of the team rather than the individual.  


We make games on mobile, PC, Console, VR, or whatever platform really smart people come up with. We just try to add a little fun and beauty to it.  We’re also totally great at art.  Art was the foundation of our company, and we still provide art services for various industry friends from all over, because we’re totally great at it. 


When you love what you do and love those around you, every day is an inspiration. One must first be inspired before they can inspire others, and our goal is to contribute something to this industry. To inspire.

For Inquiries please email

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